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Anti-Corruption Measures

Anti-Corruption Principles

We have established 'Our Basic Ethics for Employees' and 'Guidelines for Ethical Decision-Making' which provide guidelines aimed at preventing and sanctioning corruption. We prohibit any form of bribery, including money and material gifts, entertainment, and any personal favors or privileges. Moreover, we developed a set of 'Guidelines for Fair and Transparent Business Conduct' to prevent potential conflicts of interest and to prioritize the company's interests when they arise.

Anti-Corruption and Ethical Management Training

In order to create consensus and promote anti-corruption and ethical management practices company-wide, we instated our ethical management system since 2015 and have provided relevant training.

  • Onboarding (new/ experienced employees)

    Training on anti-corruption principles & the code of ethics

  • Ethical Management training for whole company

    Training for preparing plan ethical dilemma such as Conflict of interest/ Fair trade/ Anti-corruption etc.

  • Leadership Training (Team Leaders & Heads of Sales Offices)

    Ethical leadership

  • Promoter Training

    Various anti-corruption cases