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Dividend Info.

Orion prepares to leaping forward with substantial growth.

Alongside our shareholders, we will create greater corporate value.

Dividend Distribution Policy

Dear Orion shareholders,

We sincerely gratitude to you for your keen interest in and unsparing support for the Orion.

Since our split-off, we have pursued high-intensity management improvement to achieve sustainable development of our group by strengthening our core competitiveness, while seeking ways to enhance shareholder value.

The basic principle of our shareholder dividend policy is to enhance shareholder value from a long-term perspective through continuous corporate growth, accompanied by stable cash dividends generated from the company's performance.

Therefore, we had announced a dividend policy based on 20% to 60% of Free Cash Flow (FCF) from separate financial statements in 2022, and have consistently expanded the dividend size annually. Additionally, we have communicated and reviewed the shareholder return policy in various ways to enhance shareholder value.

As part of these improvement efforts, we disclosed a new dividend policy which uses a dividend payout ratio of over 20% based on consolidated financial statements for the 2024~2026 next three years, aiming to increase shareholder return rate and dividend predictability.

We hope that through this dividend policy announcement, we can increase predictability for shareholders' dividends, and in the event of any adjustments to the dividend policy in the future, we will disclose the details and strive to present improved shareholder return measures by soliciting a wide range of opinions and communicating with stakeholders.

We sincerely ask for your continued interest and encouragement as always.

Orion Corporation
CEO Seung-Joon LEE
Dividend Policy Guidelines
Dividend Policy Guidelines
Dividend payout ratio
  • More than 20% of Consolidated Net income attributable to shareholders of parent company (excluding non-recurring profit/loss)
Dividend plans
  • Dividend Period: Maintained for a minimum of the next 3 years(2024~2026 fiscal years) for dividend stability
  • Dividend Plan Review: continuously reassess business environment changes, investment, and operating performance
  • Dividend Policy Communication: Disclose any adjustments to the dividend policy and communicate with shareholders
Form of dividend payouts
  • Cash Dividend
Payment date
  • Annual Dividend (within 1 month from the annual General Meeting)
Dividend Information

(Unit: 1million Won)

Dividend Information
Fiscal year 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Face Value(KRW) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
(Consolidated) Net income attributable to shareholders of parent company 376,647 392,351 257,704 267,586 215,579 139,852 75,584
Total Dividend Amount 49,411 37,552 29,647 29,647 23,717 23,716 23,716
Dividend per share(KRW) 1,250 950 750 750 600 600 600
(Consolidated) Dividend Payout Ratio 13.1% 9.6% 11.5% 11.1% 11.0% 17.0% 31.4%
Market price-dividend ratio (%) 1.1% 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.6% 0.5% 0.6%